发布时间:2023-10-08 来源:利元亨智能装备
2023年9月20日至22日,第八届华为全联接大会(HUAWEI CONNECT 2023)在上海世博展览馆和上海世博中心隆重举行。本次华为以“加速行业智能化”为主题,汇聚了行业思想领袖、商业精英、技术专家、合作伙伴、开发者等各界人士,共同探讨如何从商业、产业、生态等多个维度加速行业智能化的进程。
利元亨受邀参加了华为2023年HC全联接大会,会议上,利元亨COO李建新带领团队与华为无线产品线团队深入探讨了RFID在智能仓储和智慧制造工厂中的进一步应用,明确了双方今后的合作方向,并在会上与华为企业无线产品线联合发布了基于ePIoT RFID的物流线解决方案。同时,利元亨COO李建新还详细介绍了利元亨在智能仓储领域中使用RFID的解决方案及实际成果。
From September 20 to 22, 2023, the 8th Huawei Connect 2023 was grandly held at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition Hall and Shanghai World Expo Center. The theme of Huawei this time is "Accelerating Industry Intelligence", bringing together industry thought leaders, business elites, technical experts, partners, developers, and other professionals from all walks of life to explore how to accelerate the process of industry intelligence from multiple dimensions such as business, industry, and ecology. Li Jianxin, COO of Liyuan Heng, and Chen Jinzhong, CIO, were invited to participate in Huawei's 2023 HC Full Connectivity Conference, and jointly released a logistics line solution based on ePIoT RFID with Huawei's enterprise wireless product line at the conference. At the meeting, Duan Hao, President of Huawei Wireless Product Line, led the team and Li Yuanheng's team to deeply discuss the further application of RFID in intelligent warehousing and smart manufacturing factories, and clarified the future direction of cooperation between the two parties. At the same time, Li Jianxin, COO of Liyuan Heng, also provided a detailed introduction to the company's solutions and practical achievements in using RFID in the field of intelligent warehousing. This Huawei All Connected Conference attracted industry elites and experts from around the world to share and explore cutting-edge technologies and development trends in industry intelligence, injecting new vitality into promoting the development of industry intelligence. The close cooperation between Huawei and Liyuanheng will further promote the widespread application of RFID technology in intelligent warehousing and smart factories, contributing to the intelligent development of the industry.